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Re: [PATCH 1/3] gcc: Add missing parentheses around ternary operator

    Date:        Wed, 8 Sep 2021 21:42:50 +0000
    From:        David Holland <>
    Message-ID:  <>

  | Yeah, as you see it's the default. I don't remember the details any
  | more, or whether it was a bsd vs. sysv thing or what, but AFAICR the
  | other open behavior where it's needed was old and basically deprecated
  | even in the 90s.

In ancient times (well before the 90's, and without system version variation)
it was certainly true that opening a tty by a process with no controlling
tty would cause that tty to become the controlling tty.

Until just recently (ie: this week) I had no idea that had changed.

  |  > ps; I am aware it is not a POSIX defined flag.
  | I thought the reason we had it at all is that it _is_ in POSIX...

Oh yes, now I see it ... I did look the other day, and totally missed
seeing it there.


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