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Re: make -d C no-op?

Am 13.05.2023 um 12:31 schrieb
I was looking for the definition of ${.CURDIR} and the C flag was giving

$ cd /usr/src/usr.bin/make
$ egrep "DEBUG[1-5]?\(CWD" *
$  fgrep debug.DEBUG_CWD *
main.c:                 debug.DEBUG_CWD = true;

Am I right in concluding that the C flag is not implemented / a no-op?
or am I looking at the wrong place or not invoking it correctly?

Yes, your conclusion is completely correct.

In usr.bin/make/unit-tests/, I documented it when I
found it out, using the same technique as you:

Tests for the -dC command line option, which does nothing,
as of 2020-09-05, as the string "DEBUG(CWD" does not occur
in the source code.

After removing the enum constant and the assignment, the code compiled
again. Not so when I removed DEBUG_COND, which is actually used.

The DEBUG_CWD flag was in use between 2008 and January 2013.


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