Subject: Re: cvs commit: src/lib/libc/db/hash hash_buf.c
To: Guido van Rooij <>
From: Michael Smith <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 10/18/1996 10:25:31
Guido van Rooij stands accused of saying:
> > 
> > bzero'ing a hash buffer is not a complete solution to the problem,
> > since the process may contain other potentially sensitive data
> > in its address space.  What you really want to do is protect
> > the cores.
> > 
> And what about a user attaching a debugger to a running ftpd...

If it's running as root, they have to be root already.  If it's
changed its UID, as has already been pointed out, you _can't_ attach
to it for just this reason.

> -Guido

]] Mike Smith, Software Engineer    [[
]] Genesis Software              [[
]] High-speed data acquisition and      (GSM mobile)  <STOLEN>          [[
]] realtime instrument control          (ph/fax)  +61-8-8267-3493       [[
]] Collector of old Unix hardware.      "Where are your PEZ?" The Tick  [[