Subject: Re: cvs commit: src/lib/libc/db/hash hash_buf.c
To: None <>
From: Poul-Henning Kamp <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 10/19/1996 09:01:32
In message <>, "John S. Dyson" writes:
>> Ah, yes.  I've been watching this thread with some amount of amusement, as
>> have other OpenBSD developers.
>> Yes, please back it out.  I would rather have OpenBSD remain the most secure
>> version of UNIX that money can't buy.
>Additionally, that "fix" was simply the wrong thing to do, and there are
>better ways to deal with the problem.  If the zeroing the buffer in db
>was typical of the ways that others are "fixing" security, well...  Sad... :-(

"Have foot, will shoot" was what I read it as :-)

Poul-Henning Kamp           | phk@FreeBSD.ORG       FreeBSD Core-team. |    Private mailbox.
whois: [PHK]                |       TRW Financial Systems, Inc.
Future will arrive by its own means, progress not so.