Subject: Re: X11 problems with pkgs
To: (Matthias Scheler) <>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 06/21/1998 17:20:29
On 21-Jun-98 Matthias Scheler spoke unto us all:
# In article <>,
# Tim Rightnour <> writes:
# > I'd be veryested in seeing this, because I'm really sick of stuff getting
# in
# > and around my X11R6 tree.
# Have you ever consider that having things like "Xaw3d" or "lesstif" in your
# X11 tree is required for building applications? With "Xaw3d" you can simply
# download a not packaged X11 application which uses it and compile it. With
# "Xaw3d" in "/usr/pkg" that won't work. So you will end up needing two
# "Xaw3d" installation.
Thats not 100% true.
#1, to use Xaw3d, you need to do one of two things:
Modify the link directives to use -lXaw3d
or move Xaw3d to Xaw and just let it be a replacement.
Either of these require some manual intervention.. I use Xaw-Xpm (same thing
really) by making a sym-link from /usr/X11R6/lib/ to the Xaw-Xpm
lib in /usr/local.
The other solution, if you aren't using the Xaw3d stuff as a drop in, is to
simply use a -L/usr/pkg/lib -I/usr/pkg/indlude. This, BTW, can be done from
your site.def as well, so Imake automaticly does so for you. (or was it
imake.tmpl.. I'm suffering from bit rot here..)
Recompiling applications with Xaw3d requires some sort of manual intervention
at some point. I don't mind putting a symlink in my Xtree, because that
doesn't impede my future upgrades of the tree, it just gets toasted, and I
And lesstif is *definately* not required in your Xtree. I can make a case
point of this, because its *not* in my Xtree, I still run .80 from /usr/local,
and it works just "peachy". All that is required to do this is to properly set
up site.def and host.def to point to the actual Motif implementation.
Tim Rightnour -