Subject: Re: v1.1A Y2K Compliance
To: Erick Wipprecht <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 07/22/1998 16:35:44
Erick Wipprecht writes:
> We're currently running NetBSD v1.1A on somewhere around 1600 systems. I
> was hoping to get some information on what potential Y2K problems we may
> have, if any, with this rev. If you could throw me in the direction of
> some documentation, I'd greatly appreciate it.
There were a lot of Y2K problems fixed between then and now. Some of
them were significant, some of them (like fixes to the manual macros)
were not.
I would suggest that you guys might want to upgrade to something more
recent if you can.
BTW, what is the application of these machines? Any chance you could
make information available for the NetBSD web site?