Subject: Re: v1.1A Y2K Compliance
To: Erick Wipprecht <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 07/23/1998 11:57:21
On Wed, 22 Jul 1998, Erick Wipprecht wrote:
> We're currently running NetBSD v1.1A on somewhere around 1600 systems. I
> was hoping to get some information on what potential Y2K problems we may
> have, if any, with this rev. If you could throw me in the direction of
> some documentation, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Maybe helps you a bit, though I leave
it to other people to give you a more detailled overview on what sort of
fireworks you have to expect. (Not too many, i suspect; Mostly dates
printed only as 2-digit year, if you don't mind).
But what I'd really like to know: what does one do with 1600 NetBSD
machines? Sounds quite interresting, can you tell us some details? (kind
of machine, usage, software, ...)
Hubert Feyrer <>