Subject: Re: Enhanced locale support for 1.4
To: Andrew Brown <>
From: Gandhi woulda smacked you <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 06/17/1999 16:39:43
On Thu, 17 Jun 1999, Andrew Brown wrote:
# >Speaking of locale support, can someone point me to a document which
# >describes how to build a full locale (so that perl will quit complaining
# >about locale not found)?
# >
# >If anyone must know, I'm building a locale populated with goofy error
# >messages just for the sheer hell of it.
# what...pig latin's not good enough for ya?
# % setenv LANG Pig
# % kill -1 1
# 1: Operationway otnay ermittedpay
# %
$ LANG=hacker export LANG
$ kill -1 1
1: Sorry, only systems personnel are allowed to do that.
$ kill -1 2249
2249: That process has left the building.
NetBSD: Someday, we won't burn your toast.