Subject: Re: airport codes.
To: Richard Rauch <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 10/19/2000 13:17:30
>> > (Side: KCI is listed as MCI in our airports file. Technically, it is in
>> > Missouri, but I've always heard it referred to as KCI. Dunno what they
> [...]
>> >From
>> MCI Kansas City, MO [Kansas City International Airport], USA
>Hm. Perhaps just as importantly, from the same URL:
>4385. KCI Kono, Indonesia
>(Although, from the comments at the top, _that_ KCI could just be a city
>name, and not represent an airport...)
i had always assumed that the airports file contained only
international airport codes. certainly those would be required not to
conflict with each other, nor with any other airports in a given
country. the airportcodes.html page does note a few conflicts
AAO Anaco, Venezuela
AAO Wichita, KS [Colonel James Jabara Airport], USA
for example (okay, 281 conflicts), but i venture to guess that you
would *never* find yourself at an airport that could fly to both
versions of the airport code.
| international airport codes |
| |
+-----+-------------+ +-----------+---------+
| | | | | |
| +-------------+---+-----------+ |
| american airports | | venezuelan airports |
+-------------------+ +---------------------+
where the airport codes for international airport intersect all
countries, but none of the countries intersect, therefore you can have
apparent conflicts, as above.
>The Kansas City International airport does seem to refer to itself as KCI,
>however, not MCI (which is really along-distance phone company; (^&).
>Whether that has any meaning w.r.t. this list, I'm not sure. (The URL
>that you cite seems to really be talking about luggage tags, which isn't
>necessarily the same thing.)
i think that's more of a case of an acronym being used instead of a
(possibly arbitrary) three letter code. after all...if you saw MCI
mentioned in any printed material or overheard it, wouldn't you also
assume that the phone company was being talked about?
|-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----| * "ah! i see you have the internet (Andrew Brown) that goes *ping*!" * "information is power -- share the wealth."