Subject: Re: User "sleeper" in wall
To: Martin J. Laubach <>
From: Greywolf <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 01/03/2001 22:43:56
On 3 Jan 2001, Martin J. Laubach wrote:
# Date: 3 Jan 2001 13:44:58 GMT
# From: Martin J. Laubach <>
# To:
# Newsgroups:
# Subject: User "sleeper" in wall
# While strolling through our source tree, I noticed that in
# wall/wall.c there is a definition of a user "sleeper" which
# is skipped while scanning the utmp records.
...! My goodness, that's *still* there?
Maybe I should change my login name to "sleeper" and avoid all the pesky
broadcasts :-).
# That code has been there since the beginning of time, but
# does it have any reason to be and can it be eliminated?
I have a hard time believing it was much else than debugging code, myself.
# mjl
*BSD is much like a tipi: No windows, no gates, and an apache inside.