Subject: Re: is bootpd still relevant
To: None <>
From: Michael Richardson <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 01/10/2001 12:10:23
>>>>> "Todd" == Todd Vierling <> writes:
Todd> On Wed, 10 Jan 2001, Luke Mewburn wrote:
Todd> : given that we have shipped dhcpd for a release (or two), is it
Todd> worth : continuing to ship bootpd (and its associated programs)? we
Todd> don't even : provide startup scripts for bootpd. : :
Todd> thoughts/comments?
Todd> Does dhcpd do bootp gatewaying as described in bootpd(8)? I can't
Todd> find mention of that in dhcpd(8).
No, but dhcrelay does.
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