Subject: Re: is bootpd still relevant
To: Stephen Welker <>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 01/11/2001 10:25:24
On Thu, Jan 11, 2001 at 10:17:55AM +1100, Stephen Welker wrote:
> --On Wednesday, 10 January 2001 11:38 PM Luke Mewburn wrote:
> > hi
> >
> > given that we have shipped dhcpd for a release (or two), is it worth
> > continuing to ship bootpd (and its associated programs)? we don't even
> > provide startup scripts for bootpd.
> >
> > thoughts/comments?
> Just a simple thoought. Apple Computer Inc.
> I believe that all Open Firmware Macs (1996+) support Net Booting (aka
> bootp) as Apple calls it.
> It is used to download a very large "boot image" (actually most of the
> MacOS) then attaches itself to an AppleShareIP server. Each of these boot
> images are customised for each client (standard bootp?).
> Just another thing that NetBSD can do for the world.
> May be bootp just needs freshening up?
ISC dhcpd (the one in our tree) can talk bootp to clients; I've been doing
that for a couple of years to some *very* old bootp clients (which aren't
dhcpd aware).
Still, I've taken people's point about bootp at least potentially
being a bit more stable than dhcp at the moment, and I'll leave it
Luke Mewburn <>
Luke Mewburn <>
Wasabi Systems - providing NetBSD sales, support and service.