Subject: Re: useradd: spaces and $ in usernames
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 11/19/2001 20:54:42
>>> + /* This should cover most shells :-( */
>>> + static char meta[] = "\n \t'`\";&<>()|*?{}[]\\$!#^~";
>> Wouldn't it be better to decide that certain characters are safe,
>> and then escape everything else?
>> Consider « or » or ¦, which could reasonably be metacharacters...
> In what shell?
Any that supports <<, >>, and |, and wants to do Latin-1. In
French-speaking regions, « and » are more likely to be quoting
metacharacters than redirection metacharacters, but still
Not that it really matters much - the point of "ensure that anything
not specifically thought about is unsafe" is as valid - or invalid - as
ever regardless of the details of the example.
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