Subject: Re: fix for pd-ksh globbing
To: Simon J. Gerraty <>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 01/25/2002 14:07:46
[ On Friday, January 25, 2002 at 10:19:37 (-0800), Simon J. Gerraty wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: fix for pd-ksh globbing
> > It still freaks out when expanding files with meta-characters
> > (double-quotes, single-quotes, parenthesis). It expands the file,
> Oops there was a bug in my patch which may have caused that.
> Here's the fixed version which I just sent off to the pdksh
> maintainer.
How about '#'? Emacs creates temporary files beginning with '#'. With
your patch I can expand them better, but using the result is still
impossible. In particular even if I escape the leading '#' ksh will
remove my backslash! Here's an example (using emacs mode, with my
keystrokes illustrated in angle brackets):
$ echo \#for*<CR>
#forward of's note re: Çö±ÝÀÌ ÇÊ¿äÇϽʴϱî? Áö±Ý ½ÅûÇϼ¼¿ä..#23306uJm#
$ echo \#for<ESC><ESC>
$ echo #forward\ of\\'s\ note\ re:\ ^Çö±ÝÀÌ\ ^ÇÂÊ^^?Âä^ÇϽʴϱ^î?\ ^Áö±Ý\ ½ÂÅ^Ã^û^Çϼ¼^^?Âä..#23306uJm#<CR>
BTW, I don't know if it was intended or not, but your patch has the very
pleasant side-effect of allowing filname expansion within quoted strings
to work, which for the above example results in a correct string if
enclosed in double quotes, but not within single quotes (thus providing
a partial work-around for the un-escaped '#'s):
$ echo '#for<ESC><ESC>'
$ echo '#forward\ of\\'s\ note\ re:\ ^Çö±ÝÀÌ\ ^ÇÂÊ^^?Âä^ÇϽʴϱ^î?\ ^Áö±Ý\ ½ÂÅ^Ã^û^Çϼ¼^^?Âä..#23306uJm# '
>>> <DEL>
$ echo "#for<ESC><ESC>"
$ echo "#forward\ of\\'s\ note\ re:\ ^Çö±ÝÀÌ\ ^ÇÂÊ^^?Âä^ÇϽʴϱ^î?\ ^Áö±Ý\ ½ÂÅ^Ã^û^Çϼ¼^^?Âä..#23306uJm# "
#forward\ of\\'s\ note\ re:\ Çö±ÝÀÌ\ ÇÊ¿äÇϽʴϱî?\ Áö±Ý\ ½ÅûÇϼ¼¿ä..#23306uJm#
Greg A. Woods
+1 416 218-0098; <>; <>; <>
Planix, Inc. <>; VE3TCP; Secrets of the Weird <>