Subject: Research Network Job Site
To: List Member <>
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List: tech-userlevel
Date: 03/08/2002 03:28:32
Expand Your Universe on the Research Network. =20
Research Network is a job site devoted exclusively to professional Resear=
chers and companies who need Researchers. It doesn't matter what industr=
y you specialize in. Research Network encompasses a broad spectrum of in=
dustries and we continue to add more every day. For a comprehensive list=
of industries we work in like Pharmaceutical Research, Marketing Researc=
h, Clinical Research, Financial Research, Health Care Research, (to name =
a few), log on to and discover the infinit=
If your an Employer, stop wasting your valuable time by posting your jobs=
on generalized job sites that inundate you with inappropriate candidates=
. If your looking for Scientists, Project Managers, Analysts, Statistici=
ans, Clinical Researchers, Engineers, Planners, Developers, Upper Level M=
anagement within a Research function, (to name a few), go to the source a=
nd get your research job posting in front of over 1/2 million researchers=
on our Network. Click on the link below to find the exact research tale=
nt you need.
If your a professional Researcher and wish to be considered for positions=
by employers on our network, click on the link below to join the network=
. =20
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