Subject: gcc predefines
To: None <>
From: John R Towler <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 06/19/2002 18:32:32
I just installed the 20020616-NetBSD-1.6 snapshot on the
i386. Seems to go until I break something. I have brought it to a
grinding halt trying to compile emacs and unpack the X srcs at the
same time, but I have no data to see what might be amiss.
I have found it convenient in rebuilding the system to re-add -Dunix
to the gcc cpp-predefines. It makes a good many projects less hassle
to build (swi-prolog, emcs-19.34, etc.). I pulled out the relevant
sections of the src tree and changed the
gnu/dist/gcc/config/i386/netbsd-elf.h to have my preferred value.
Upon rebuilding gcc, there was no change in the result. What did I
not take care of to effect this change.
John R. Towler