Subject: Re: CVS commit: basesrc/bin/ksh
To: Joerg Klemenz <>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 09/27/2002 15:32:16
[ On Friday, September 27, 2002 at 18:07:06 (+0000), Joerg Klemenz wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: CVS commit: basesrc/bin/ksh
> Just one thing: Our ksh has some highly annoying bugs and/or
> non-features in interactive use mostly:
> home/end/ctrl-arrow won't work, also Fn or ^L etc.
> Just try (in emacs mode) bind "^[[8~"=end-of-line
> (bind -m ..=^E won't work too)
that although only two prefix characters (usually
ESC and ^X) are supported, some multi-character
sequences can be supported. The following binds
the arrow keys on an ANSI terminal, or xterm (these
are in the default bindings). Of course some
escape sequences won't work out quite this nicely:
bind '^[['=prefix-2
bind '^XA'=up-history
bind '^XB'=down-history
bind '^XC'=forward-char
bind '^XD'=backward-char
Since <HOME> is in ANSI x3.64 by default <ESC>[H, and <END> is by
default <ESC>[F, extending the above suggests:
bind '^XH'=beginning-of-line
bind '^XF'=end-of-line
And, indeed those to commands alone work just fine (since if I'm not
mistaken '^[['=prefix-2 is already a default binding).
> Also the scrolling (non-wrapping) line editor sucks big time.
It works just fine -- it just works differently than some other
interactive line editors you might be more familiar with.
> Also the lack of a .kshrc file or whatever forces you to put ksh
> specific stuff in .profile or $ENV and ifdef it out which doesnt
> always work.
Huh? $ENV is standard POSIX shell behaviour and has been a standard
feature of AT&T ksh for nearly forever (1983?). You don't get a
~/.kshrc file to work by default with AT&T KSH, you have to use $ENV.
And $ENV does always work reliably if you use it properly:
fragment from ~/.profile that I've used for the past ten years:
if [ ${RANDOM:-0} -ne ${RANDOM:-0} -a -z "${BASH}" ] ; then
# we're running ksh
if [ -r $HOME/.kshlogin ] ; then
. $HOME/.kshlogin
similarly aged fragment from my ~/.kshlogin:
export ENVFILE=$HOME/.kshrc
if [ -n "$ENVFILE" -a -r "$ENVFILE" ] ; then
# the one in the book says....
#export ENV='${ENVFILE[(_$-=0)+(_=1)-_${-%%*i*}]}'
# this one seems more correct, and I think was what Korn posted
# to Usenet once upon a time (it also works with all the
# versions of ksh I've run across, including ksh-85 and AIX-3.2)
export ENV='${ENVFILE[(_$-=1)+(_=0)-(_$-!=_${-%%*i*})]}'
see the whole mess in the files in this archive:
> Is PD KSH still maintained? The copyright suggests its from '99?
for more info see:
Greg A. Woods
+1 416 218-0098; <>; <>
Planix, Inc. <>; VE3TCP; Secrets of the Weird <>