Subject: Re: CVS commit: basesrc/etc
To: Gregory McGarry <>
From: Rick Kelly <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 02/05/2003 16:42:32
Gregory McGarry said:
>I agree with this comment. I've only ever configured one mail server
>and usually just forward mail from all machines onto the central
>mini_sendmail could serve as the base for a light-weight, forward-only
>MTA which would allow sendmail, postfix, etc to be pushed into pkgsrc.
What would be the point if removing real email capability from NetBSD
and replacing it with some hacked together kludge that only halfway
does the job. When I install UNIX on a system I expect to get an MTA
that has all the usual capabilities. Why castrate NetBSD?
I use pkgsrc as little as possible if I can help it. It is often behind
a rev for currently available software like sendmail and BIND, and takes
up a lot of space.
Why keep removing capabilities?
Rick Kelly