Subject: Re: CVS commit: basesrc/etc
To: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
From: Matthias Buelow <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 02/18/2003 05:21:53
gabriel rosenkoetter wrote:
> You're now FORCING people who were perfectly content with either
> sendmail or postfix to install something extra. The fact that "many"
> people install yet a third MTA doesn't excuse not installing one at
> all. It, like a C compiler, ought to be part of a Unix install, not
> an add-on component.
I thought NetBSD-current was about to be syspkg'd anyways? Then the
problem won't show up -- don't like sendmail, or the notoriously ancient
postfix version that NetBSD ships with? Just give it the boot and
install something else. If that isn't feasible somehow for the near
future, I'd rather have no mailer daemon installed by default at all
than sendmail, or some old postfix, where I have to jump thru loops to
properly replace it with a newer version. Packages solve all and
everything here. I'd prefer a really small base system, with everything
else in packages. Not a distribution that looks like it was made for a
central minicomputer university installation and intended to be
installed from reel tapes (and includes all and everything on that tape
because of the absence of a packaging mechanism.)
Matthias Buelow