Subject: Re: CVS commit: basesrc/etc
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 02/20/2003 03:12:23
>> Otherwise, the only problem I see with 1 is having tons o' stuff
>> sitting around occupying disk blocks and inodes even though it's
>> never used.
> I'll take that "never used", myself, because the week I decide I
> "won't be using it", invariably an unforeseen circumstance pops up in
> which I need it.
> Trust me on this. Murphy *hates* me.
Fine, you can have it. But I don't want it.
Some time ago - a year? two? - I removed libexec from the SUBDIR line
in /usr/src/gnu/Makefile, because all that's there (in my source tree)
is uucp, and I figured I'd have no use for it, and I'd rather save the
time it takes to build it and the disk it takes to store it, not to
mention that most uucp variants have set-id programs lying around.
I've yet to regret that decision. Perhaps I will tomorrow, but it's
been at least a year so far....
>> Well, do I count? I've certainly wasted enough time gameplaying,
>> and I'm a firm believer that "menus belong in restaurants".... :-)
> Well, if you rip out menus completely, you're left with a manual
> installation, which is not necessarily horrid to the cognoscenti
> among us. Indeed, it's how I've been doing them for years --
It's how I still do them. Even on i386, which I will often use sysinst
on just because it knows more about the intricacies of i386
partitioning and bootblocks than I do, I usually make heavy use of the
"just gimme a shell" options. On platforms I really know (mainly
meaning Suns), I will usually just drop the disk on an established
machine, set everything up, and move it to the target.
> I don't think this is a be-all end-all solution, though, especially
> not if we want to (pretend to) make any inroads onto the desktop or
> into the server room (which, by the way, seems folly to me
> considering that, by sheer market share, if M$ isn't kicking our
> butts, Linux is*).
> NetBSD: *...but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop using NetBSD!
I agree with you there. On both counts. (All three, actually, but
given the second one, the first seems semi-irrelevant.)
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