Subject: Re: tftpd
To: None <xela@MIT.EDU>
From: John Hawkinson <jhawk@MIT.EDU>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 02/25/2003 01:57:15 <> wrote on Mon, 24 Feb 2003
at 21:57:06 -0800 in <>:
> > I'd like to add a workaround for this bug to tftpd. The
> > workaround checks whether a filename that fails to stat ends
> > with an 0xff, and if so, lops the last character off the
> > filename, and tries again with the new name.
> IMO, this deserves an option, and not to be on by default.
This seems well-taken, but I'd step back even one step further;
what it it that causes the additional 0xff to actually be a problem?
Presumably the nonprintable does not show up clearly in the LOG_INFO
message; would it be sufficient to have nonprintables escaped in the
log message, such that a look at the logs would show the problem, and
you'd merely have to add a 0xff to the filename?
Similarly, it seems like an option added to tftpd could be a bit more
generic (& useful) than 'strip terminal 0xff and retry'. Perhaps a
"strip nonprintables (prior to trying first)" option , or a "strip
specifid characters" option?