Subject: CVS_RSH to ssh
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 06/17/2003 17:16:53
do people object much if i apply the following patch, to make
ssh(1) the default way for cvs to contact remote host?
Index: src/client.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/src/gnu/dist/cvs/src/client.c,v
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -u -r1.12 client.c
--- src/client.c 2003/01/21 09:43:36 1.12
+++ src/client.c 2003/06/17 08:16:40
@@ -4830,27 +4830,7 @@
char *rsh_argv[10];
if (!cvs_rsh)
- /* People sometimes suggest or assume that this should default
- to "remsh" on systems like HPUX in which that is the
- system-supplied name for the rsh program. However, that
- causes various problems (keep in mind that systems such as
- HPUX might have non-system-supplied versions of "rsh", like
- a Kerberized one, which one might want to use). If we
- based the name on what is found in the PATH of the person
- who runs configure, that would make it harder to
- consistently produce the same result in the face of
- different people producing binary distributions. If we
- based it on "remsh" always being the default for HPUX
- (e.g. based on uname), that might be slightly better but
- would require us to keep track of what the defaults are for
- each system type, and probably would cope poorly if the
- existence of remsh or rsh varies from OS version to OS
- version. Therefore, it seems best to have the default
- remain "rsh", and tell HPUX users to specify remsh, for
- example in CVS_RSH or other such mechanisms to be devised,
- if that is what they want (the manual already tells them
- that). */
- cvs_rsh = "rsh";
+ cvs_rsh = "ssh";
if (!cvs_server)
cvs_server = "cvs";