Subject: Re: static vs. dynamic runtime linking, again (was: PAM and su -K)
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: James Chacon <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 01/25/2005 11:43:15
On Tue, Jan 25, 2005 at 12:29:27PM -0500, der Mouse wrote:
> >> The way it is implemented in 2.0 is rather broken, even if only in
> >> the way it defaults things.
> > And 2.0 is different how?  Nothing has changed in this regard since,
> > what, 1.5 (which was an ELF release on several platforms, right?)
> I think so.  But I didn't say 2.0 was *newly* broken in this regard.
> It's quite possible the brokenness has been there since 1.5.  (Indeed,
> looking at my cc wrapper, I suspect it's been there ever since ELF,
> though my point about "if I were a new user" still stands - I can't see
> where new users are supposed to find -R, much less -Wl,-rpath.)

1. You're not a new user. You're just a stubborn one who wants what worked
   in 1.0 to work *exactly* the same w/o having to learn anything new.
   For that I point you to: cvs up -rnetbsd-1-0 and have a fun time...

2. It's all documented in ld's man page.
