Subject: Re: Duplicate documentation of MK* make options
To: Valeriy E. Ushakov <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 12/21/2005 17:07:20
On Wed, 21 Dec 2005, Valeriy E. Ushakov wrote:
> An obvious example is NOxxx vars. They were underdocumented in
> bsd.README already, but at least they were underdocumented in the
> right place. NOxxx vars are intended for individual makefiles, e.g. a
> program w/out a man page would set NOMAN to indicate that.
> "NOxxx" text cleary says "Not intended for users.", yet you have moved
> that paragraph to mk.conf(5) - a manual page for *system wide* mk
> configuration that *users* can do.
So let's try to be constrictive about this one - as I already said, the
situation about MK* is at least consistent now, have a look at the mess
that was there before.
If the description of the NO* variables is all that should be moved back
to bsd.README, let me know.
If there are other changes that need to be done for consistency, which
I agree that it would be good if someone wants to turn bsd.README into a
manpage, but this won't be me.
In general, I'd appreciate if I wouldn't have to clean up documentation at
all... maybe our project management can try to do something about that.
The current situatio is very suboptimal.
- Hubert