Subject: Changing default shell
To: None <>
From: Pavel Cahyna <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 09/18/2006 18:57:52

new users of NetBSD often complain about the shell. The default shell (for
non-root users) is csh, which has no interactive command line editing.
Pressing an arrow key in csh generates a beep and inserts some
linenoise-like sequence like [A, which is nonintuitive and not what people
usually want.

Therefore, I propose to change the default shell to /bin/sh, which has
quite reasonable line editing functionality. It would mean a small change
to usr.sbin/user/user.c . I would also remove the "toor" account from
master.passwd, which is now unnecessary, as the default root shell is
/bin/sh now.

Any strong reasons against this change?
