Subject: Re: "default shell" [was: Re: CVS commit: src/usr.sbin/user]
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 09/30/2006 21:06:41
On Sat, Sep 30, 2006 at 07:06:24PM +0100, Alistair Crooks wrote:
> As I've said to Pavel and a number of people, I'm actually of the
> opinion that we should go with ksh, despite the fact that I've never
> used it as a login shell, and will probably never use it either. I
> became used to something else at an early age, and am probably
> considered apostate for that kind of thing.
FWIW, as a NetBSD user and a developer using NetBSD both as my
workstation for development, and as the POSIX base when I install a
KerGIS node in a, generally, Microsoft environment [1], I _do_
appreciate the fact that the base installation _is_ a base installation,
and that when I need a POSIX shell I have the present /bin/sh.
I had surprises with ksh(1) (no examples I can give from the top of my
head) and drop it completely. And for interactive use, I use zsh(1).
pkgsrc is such a handy thing --- I think Hubert Feyrer knows :) --- that
I don't see why base should not be smaller and more POSIX, and more
friendly distributions (for joe user) built separately on top of that. NetBSD
developers could even make income from these candy distributions (CDs).
I personnally choose the BSD licence for my work because, contrary to
GPL, my community is the _developers_ one, not the _users_ one. That a
user can have it, in his case for free as a beer, is a side effect not a
goal (it's in the hope he will be some day a developer too ; not to
spare his money, since I do not spare my time for working on this...).
Wasn't there even a thread about adding pkgsrc to the installer? Just
add a meta-package for a general workstation and that's it.
Note 1: and, since I do not contribute in code, I contribute in
donation, unfortunately small amounts since it's linearily function of the
number of NetBSD installations I do. I only hope I will be able to
contribute more ;) I don't care giving a lot: it will mean working a lot
Thierry Laronde (Alceste) <tlaronde +AT+ polynum +dot+ com>
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