Subject: Re: [I18n] Re: Restart: better XI18N future API
To: None <i18n@XFree86.Org,>
From: None <>
List: tech-x11
Date: 12/22/2000 01:24:56
> From: Noriyuki Soda <>
> >>>>> On Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:55 -0800 (PST), said:
> > Let's call XmbDrawString(....., encoding, string, ..) as
> > XembDrawString, stands for X encoded multi-byte DrawString for
> > now for the sake of discussion.
> I believe this is not good API as I posted previous mail.
My articles are a series of multi-part articles, and I may be slow,
but would you please be patiant to dive into the conclusion?
I'd like to articulate the possible options for each problems and
requirements first, and really like to provide the oppotunity for
people to think about again what would be the best for globalization,
rather than what people like to resolve thier locale problems just
Thanks and best regards,
Chair, Li18nux/Linux Internationalization Initiative, Free Standards Group
Architect/Sr. Staff Engineer, Sun Microsystems, Inc, FAX 650-786-9553