Subject: Re: screen restore on i810?
To: None <>
From: Amitai Schlair <>
List: tech-x11
Date: 03/06/2003 20:59:47
Perry E. Metzger wrote:

> I have an i810 based Tablet PC -- xf 4.3.0 is mostly working on it,
> but I've found that when I quit from X the display is horribly messed
> up and cannot be fixed.

My laptop has i830 video (same driver). "X -configure" did a nice
job, which was not true before 4.3.0, but if I switch to another
virtual terminal or quit X, the display goes nuts.

One of the more memorable values of "nuts" was when the entire
display turned a faint white, darker at the edges, and then brightened
over the course of several seconds to the point where, scared of
impending damage, I pressed the big red switch.

Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy that X is now working to some
degree on my laptop, but I could be happier. :-)

- Amitai