Subject: Shared libraries redux
To: None <>
From: Charles M. Hannum <>
List: tech-x11
Date: 10/23/2003 16:31:36
After reviewing what you did, I'm convinced that part of it is just plain
wrong. You've left libGLw, libXau and libXdmcp built unshared. These
libraries are, like all the others, used by third party code. They are also
published specs. There is no reason for them to be unshared. Furthermore, I
have personally seen cases where modules wanted to link with libXau and lost
to libtool evilness.
Secondly, simply reverting to an unshared libXdmGreet does not fix the
problem. It has, apparently, always been broken on Alpha, and so Alpha still
does not have a working xdm. It should never have been built static on any
platform, and the path should be fixed regardless.