Subject: Re: xdm(1) src/x11 build notes
To: None <>
From: Matthias Scheler <>
List: tech-x11
Date: 03/22/2004 09:08:25
In article <>,
	Tyler Retzlaff <> writes:
> Just to follow this up, prngc.c is only built if !HasArc4Random so
> the native build should perhaps be setting HasArc4Random?

It is supposed to use it:

#if (OSMajorVersion >= 2 || \
      (OSMajorVersion == 1 && OSMinorVersion == 6 && OSTeenyVersion >= 2))
# define HasArc4random

Unfortunately that declaration isn't correct because it should read
"HasArc4Random" und must be defined to "YES". I've just fixed it.

	Kind regards

Matthias Scheler