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Re: Native Xorg on sparc confirmed working


On Nov 10, 2008, at 4:23 AM, der Mouse wrote:

So it seems that the only way left to get at the SX doc is for one
person to actually look at the Solaris source code for the driver,
write a spec, and for some other person to implement the spec.

Even that probably won't help, if you're talking about the device
driver that runs in the kernel; I suspect all the acceleration stuff is in the window system server. (I suspect that is not open-sourced. I'd
love to be wrong.)

Well, since Sun said they can't find the docs ( instead of saying they couldn't show them to anyone ) there might be hope if someone stumbles across docs or DDX code.

I can offer some documentation on the S24 (the SS5-specific framebuffer
with the idiosyncratic connector); see

I got that file long ago, an SS5 should show up on my doorstep in the not too far future. No idea if it comes with an AFX card though, if it does I'll write some kinda-sorta accelerated driver using your notes. One for X as well. Since there's a good chance that it comes with another cg6 for the collection - does anyone here have any AFX card sitting around?

have fun

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