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drm2 status

Still working on getting drm2 running.  Currently:

- The drm2 infrastructure more or less works.

- The Intel graphics driver is working to talk to the display, detect
modes, detect hotplug, &c., and draw things on the screen.

- Nothing is yet hooked up to wscons or X, which is what I'm working
on now -- it's getting close to being at least testable by someone

(If you want to mess around with the current state, you can just build
the amd64 NO_DRM kernel and build and load the drm2 and i915drm2
kernel modules in the riastradh-drm2 branch, but it won't do much.)

- I am now slightly less lost in the world of graphics drivers than I
was when I started, which means there's a nontrivial chance that in
the future I might find spare time for maintenance and future updates.

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