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re: i386 radeondrmkms results
On Mon, 12 Jan 2015, matthew green wrote:
> can you post the boot messages for drmkms? it's really important
> for wsdisplay0 to attach at drmkms.
> this is what happens when you don't remember to take out vga and
> pcdisplay @ isa. can you make sure you did for this test?
I'm quite certain of this. I think the problem is that I also had
"wsdisplay* at wsemuldisplaydev?" disabled.
As a quickie (relatively speaking, once current tasks reach a stopping
point), I can boot a plain GENERIC and use userconf to disable pcdisplay0
and vga0 at isa? (My previous attempt was thwarted by the "cnopen()"
panic--still not sure why it didn't like my old "/dev/console" or maybe
it was something else added since October 2012.)
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