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re: redundant xf86-video-intel patches

Patrick Welche writes:
> We have local patches to use
> 1) drmIoctl instead of do_ioctl

i'm totally confused where this came from.  revision 1.2 didn't have
it, and then we have this change:

revision 1.3
date: 2014-11-05 09:58:59 -0800;  author: christos;  state: Exp;  lines: +1745 -740;  commitid: BT2gIHeacl9mu1Xx;
merge conflicts

which introduces it.  i can't imagine it's necessary, but perhaps
Christos should explain where it comes from?  (maybe pkgsrc?  it
didn't arrive as part of the vendor branch.)

> 2) drmMap   instead of mmap

we almost certainly don't need this anymore.  please feel free to
revert any drmMap() vs mmap() local changes we have.



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