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re: Beyond twm

> It's not obvious to me why there needs to be a more complex window
> manager in base.  twm works, but isn't fancy or pretty.  There are many
> options in pkgsrc.   I realize pkgsrc is often not cross built, and base
> is, but perhaps the same effort would be better spent on making binary
> packages better or crossbuilding pkgsrc.
> But, if that's what you want to hack on, don't let me discourage you -
> everybody likes to do different things, and that's part of what's good
> about open source.

for a start, twm doesn't handle multiple desktops.  it doesn't handle
some of the really-old-now "newer" extensions like Xinerama.  and
sometimes has problems interacting with newer programs i'm told has to
do with other unhandled protocol features (but i haven't investigated
these personally.)


we (the project) really want to provide something besides twm as the
default.  and as far as i'm aware, no one has really been looking at
it... so it would be great if you did.



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