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Re: replace twm with cwm?

On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 3:51 AM, matthew green <> wrote:
can you show us some screenshots and explain what the default
setup provides?  how easily so it integrate menu options and
handling run-time updates of these menus when software is

personally, i don't just want something that looks prettier,
but something that deals with the above basic interface issues
as well.

can you compare cwm to ctwm?  i won't have time to try out
either the new ctwm Olaf pointed out or ctwm for a few weeks,
so some details can help.  (also others worth considering.

OK, I'll get ctwm built and do a side by side.  ctwm will need the jpeg support cut out but does not seem to need anything else not in base..

I'm setting up a 6.99 snapshot box to track current today.  That way I can be sure these things will go from machine with nothing on it.

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