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Re: HEAD on intel graphics

Another confirmation - My EEE 4G pc also now works apparently perfectly with 7.99.9. I still have a problem with a Radeon RV350 - which now never crashes, but once Xorg is started in any usual way (i.e. /etc/rc.d/xdm onestart or startx) gets me only a black screen with the expected processes running; killing them all does not restore the console, which stays black until a reboot. On the other hand if I start only Xorg, I get a black screen with functional mouse cursor, the process can be killed and the console is restored. Go figure... 

Chavdar Ivanov

On Tue, 7 Apr 2015 at 20:15 Arnaud Degroote <> wrote:
On 06/Apr - 20:02, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm happy to report that with the latest HEAD fixes to drm2, I don't
> experience any display corruption on the i965GM that I used to see.
> This should definitively be pulled up to netbsd-7 !
I'm happy to confirm that fonts corruption also has disappeared with
last revision of the code on my Ironlake, both with UXA and SNA backend.

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