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re: RFC: remove xsrc/xfree
> One possible compromise is to copy these old
> xsrc/xfree/xc/programs/Xserver/hw sources into
> xsrc/external/mit/xorg-server/dist/hw blindly
> because src/external/mit/xorg/server/xorg-server/hw/Makefile
> has had (disabled) hooks for these old servers.
> Note there are dumb tips about X11R6 vs X11R7 server API differences
> (that I wrote when I worked on the X68k server):
i'm happy to copy the directories into our xorg-server tree and
have them ignored instead of deleted. i could commit my work
in progress for Xalpha (which has used tsutsui's work above so
far, but i hit a cfb problem i didn't see an easy solution to
and moved on ...)
a README would be useful, of course.
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