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Re: Xorg for amiga, need help

Frank Wille wrote:
>Robert Swindells wrote:
>On 19.09.15 22:09:48 you wrote:
>> Frank Wille wrote:
>>>[...] How do I write replacement code for:
>>>  pScreen->devPrivates[cfb32ScreenPrivateIndex].ptr =
>>>  pScreen->devPrivate;
>> One answer to your question is to just delete that line, cfb doesn't
>> exist any more,
>Yes, I understand that all cfb- and mfb-calls have to be replaced. But

You will end up removing that line, yes.

>> that probably doesn't help much though.

>I'm not sure if I can simply delete this line. In the init-function of
>hw/netbsd/amiga/s3/amigaCVscrin.c it looks like this:


>So it seems important to select the correct cfbNScreenResources and
>cfbNScreenPrivateIndex depending on the screen depth.

It is only important when you are using cfb, you will be using fb and
calling fbScreenInit() instead of miScreenInit().

Maybe take a look at a driver like xf86-video-suncg6 to see how to hook
acceleration functions into fb.

>I have seen there is now miCreateScreenResources() in Xorg. But I don't know
>if it automatically handles the Screen-Private entry.

You shouldn't need to do this.

>> Are you using a new style driver as a template and adding amiga
>> acceleration code to it or trying to keep most of the old driver ?
>I copied the old X11R6 Xamiga server code and try to adapt it, like Izumi
>Tsutsui did with X68k.
>This is the only way to go, because we had very nice, hardware-accelerated,
>drivers for all important Amiga graphics cards.

I recognize that you want hardware acceleration, I don't think that
going through the old driver and getting it to build is the only way
to go though.

Another way would be to create a new driver for each Amiga specific
GPU and add Amiga support to existing drivers for GPUs that are used

Robert Swindells

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