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Re: Nouveau driver on nvidia 8500GT (amd64)

   Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2015 18:41:13 +1100
   from: matthew green <>

   this didn't used to happen, and i mostly suspect the changes
   Jared made to support non-pci, but i don't know how this was
   supposed to work previously anyway...  this code from

        49 static inline int
        50 request_firmware(const struct firmware **fwp, const char *image_name,
        51     struct device *dev)
   [ ... ]
        65         drvname = device_cfdriver(dev)->cd_name;

   fails because dev is NULL.  i suspect there is confusion
   between linux and netbsd 'struct device'.

   i haven't yet really looked closer at what changed to make this
   break and why it seems so confusing/wrong.

Just checked in fixes for a load of bogosity around this.  I ought
never to have made the struct pci_dev::dev sham in the first place --
it avoided changing upstream code in about one place safely, and
caused bugs in dozens of other places.

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