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drawing to a 1bpp aux display

I have a graphical application (opencpn,, FWIW)
using wxWidgets (wxGTK on NetBSD). I want to write a plugin which can
repeat some information to a second (or more), 1bpp display
(a LCD display with resolution in the 128x64-240x128 range - this is not
fixed yet). This display will be available as a genfb on NetBSD.
It can be managed by a Xorg wsfb server, or by the plugin directly
(whatever is more convenient).

So I will have to write a piece of code which will be dlopen()'ed
by opencpn, so will have to coexists with wxGTK and dependancies,
and will have to do rendering on a small 1bpp display/framebuffer
of text (of various sizes) and graphics.

What would people familiar with X11 or graphics developement recomment ?

Manuel Bouyer <>
     NetBSD: 26 ans d'experience feront toujours la difference

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