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Re: removing xorg-server.old entirely

On 28/10/23 16:55, matthew green wrote:

we've been stuck at alpha, netwinder, sgimips, and vax still
using xorg-server 1.10 default.

alpha has working tga, but not working turbochannel fb as i
understand it, and i do not know the status of netwinder,
sgimips or vax for this.


i want to remove the xorg-server 1.10 tree for everyone before
netbsd-11 branches.  is anyone using X11 on these ports?

I have alpha, sgimips and vax. I do not currently run X11 on them. There is no way I'm going to try running X11 on my turbochannel alphas or vaxes.

I might at some point be interested in running X11 on sgimips or Alpha (not-turbochannel) for a laugh. I'll cope if the old xorg-server gets moved to the Attic prior to the NetBSD 11 branch.


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