Subject: Re: CVS commit: htdocs
To: None <,>
From: Reed Shadgett <>
List: www-changes
Date: 01/26/2001 02:36:14
On Fri, Jan 26, 2001 at 04:12:13AM +0200, Reed Shadgett wrote:
> Modified Files:
> htdocs/Ports/mac68k: index.html
> Log Message:
> Clean up, fix lots of nits that people have had, etc.
I think I got all the ones people have said. If I missed any, it's
not that I don't agree with them, it's that I likely forgot.
There's only one non-compliant part, which is the block-inline crap
in the news portion. While this could be easily fixed now, it'd add
extra work for syncing news.html (stripping tags and the such).
It'll get fixed when we move news entries to a separate file and have
the relevant portion of index.html and news.html generated from that
(similar to our list magic).
Actually, I'd probably want news entries to be added to news.html,
and have the relevant portion of index.html generated. Though I've
heard mutterings of all news entries in one file (to concentrate
the portion of the site that changes the most - to make it easier
on translaters)... I'm open to that.
> The _new_ new port page?
Feedback please. We _are_ trying to please as large a percentage as
possible here. :)
Reed <>