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Re: SSH-> Secure Shell renaming is *not* official.

> These drafts contain a change in document title (replacing "SSH" with
> "Secure Shell" and/or "Secure Shell Remote Login Protocol").
> I was not notified or consulted in advance of these title changes and
> they appear to have been made unilaterally by the document author(s)
> and are not the result of working group consensus.

I went ahead and made the editorial changes unilaterally in view of
the recent discussions regarding our trademark claims, particularly
since the IETF declared the trademark debate "out of scope" of the
working group.  I was trying to clarify the working drafts and avoid
further problems, because people have been saying that the trademark
section in the previous drafts was not acceptable.

There were no changes to the bits on the wire (except in the file
transfer protocol, and those are unrelated to the trademark issue).

Here is a summary of the changes in the drafts:

  - clarification in X11 forwarding ("e.g. MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1")

  - changed GNU ZLIB -> ZLIB

  - several changes in file transfer protocol, as requested by the
    working group

  - cleaned up use of terms "SSH" and "Secure Shell" to conform to the
    trademark usage guidelines and SSH's policy statement (we are
    contributing the "Secure Shell" name to the public domain so that
    it can be used to identify the Secure Shell protocol and any
    Secure Shell implementation, but "ssh" is our brand name and
    trademark, and it can only be used under a license from us and
    such use must conform to our trademark guidelines; see
    for more information).  This change avoids the trademark issue
    for the working group entirely.

  - changed the "Trademark issues" paragraph to be just a trademark
    notice (noting the fact that "ssh" is a registered trademark); a
    separate notice will be posted on the IETF Intellectual Property
    Rights Notices page.

Let's discuss this further in the working group meeting in Minneapolis.

Note also that we have decided to abandon our trademark application
for the name "Secure Shell" and dedicate it to public use.  We
understand that the phrase Secure Shell is well known withing the
community to describe the secure remote login protocol that I
originally developed.


SSH Communications Security 
SSH IPSEC Toolkit           
SSH Secure Shell            

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