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Re: SSH-> Secure Shell renaming is *not* official.

Tatu Ylonen wrote:
> > These drafts contain a change in document title (replacing "SSH" with
> > "Secure Shell" and/or "Secure Shell Remote Login Protocol").
> >
> > I was not notified or consulted in advance of these title changes and
> > they appear to have been made unilaterally by the document author(s)
> > and are not the result of working group consensus.
> I went ahead and made the editorial changes unilaterally in view of
> the recent discussions regarding our trademark claims, particularly
> since the IETF declared the trademark debate "out of scope" of the
> working group.  I was trying to clarify the working drafts and avoid
> further problems, because people have been saying that the trademark
> section in the previous drafts was not acceptable.
Tatu, it is inappropriate for you to act on any of this without the consensus
  of the working group.  Bill Sommerfeld was entirely justified in objecting
  to this action.

Marcus Leech                             Mail:   Dept 8M70, MS 012, FITZ
Advisor                                  Phone: (ESN) 393-9145  +1 613 763 9145
Security Architecture and Planning       Fax:   (ESN) 393-9435  +1 613 763 9435
Nortel Networks                
-----------------Expressed opinions are my own, not my employer's------

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