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message lang tags verse SSH_MSG_KEXINIT

In Section 6 of draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-01.txt SSH_FXP_STATUS packet is
defined as follows:

The format of the data portion of the SSH_FXP_STATUS response is as

  uint32     id
  uint32     error/status code
  string     error message (ISO-10646 UTF-8 [RFC-2279])
  string     language tag (as defined in [RFC-1766])

This isn't the only place this occurs, it just happens to be the one I
have infront of me at the moment and the one that prompted me to look
into the issue, infact I believe it is consistant thought the drafts
that language tags are sent with free format messages.

My interpretation of the SSH_MSG_KEXINIT language negotiation was that
the client and server would agree on a language and (if possible) send
all futher communication in that language.  As an example, an
implmenation of this on unix might use setlocale() to change the locale
of the client and server processes to be the negotiated language, thus
automatically generating all messages in the appropriate language.

Are the drafts saying that I should send the language tag the client
and server agreed on at SSH_MSG_KEXINIT time as every message is sent ?

So I guess I'm saying I don't understand the need for a language tag
for individual messages when the language was negotiated at the
SSH_MSG_KEXINIT packet stage.

Any clarification greatly appreciated.

Darren J Moffat

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