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Re: OpenSSH/scp ->> F-Secure SSH server Problems

>Perhaps you received a garbled or incomplete version of the message I
>posted.  I did not claim that GSSAPI-secured FTP doesn't exist; in fact,
>if you read past that first sentence which you quoted out of context, I
>specifically said that it and other secured FTP implementations exist and
>have been around for a while.  They have their users, especially within
>specific, controlled communities.  They have not, however, achieved
>widespread use in the Internet in general, whereas SSH has a good start at
>that and seems quite likely to be ubiquitous shortly.  That was all I
>said, and all I meant.

In my mind, there's a LARGE difference between:

"they have not, however, achieved widespread use in the Internet in general"

which you used in your most recent message, and

"the fact is that it has not actually been secured this way in real life"

which you used in your original message.

I'm not sure I really know what the first one means, actually.
I'd believe that GSSAPI-authenticated ftp doesn't meet the first
criteria, but I'm not sure what your definition of "widespread"
is.  I take HUGE issue with your characterization that these
protocols are not used "in real life".  As for being quoted out of
context ... you were responding to the original poster's comment
about different technologies used for securing ftp!  How is that
not in-context to this discussion?


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