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Re: OpenSSH/scp ->> F-Secure SSH server Problems

On Mon, Mar 12, 2001 at 06:49:01PM -0500, Thor Simon wrote:
> That's pretty darned big; the entire SSHv1 server implementation we 

Well, you are talking about SSH protocol v1 without any forwarding.

Remember that the channel layer is the most complex part of the SSH
protocol.  TLS does not include anything like the channel layer and
this is why SSH gets used:  People are forwarding all kind of things
over SSH.  Without the channel layer SSH would be just something
like telnet with encryption.

If you are talking about lines, the sftp-server included in OpenSSH
is just about 1000 lines, and could probably implemented with
less lines if this was an issue.  The sftp protocol is not complex
at all.

> shipped to Redback, for example, was just about 5000 lines, and we had 

Hm, this is rather big for server-only if you consider that the plan9
SSH protcol v1 client+server+keygen+manpage is about 4000 lines.


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