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Re: setting environment variables ("Richard E. Silverman") writes:

> Some questions regarding setting environment variables via SSH ("Connection"
> draft, section 4.4).
> "Environment variables may be passed to the shell/command to be started
> later."
> This mentions "shell" and "exec" channel requests, but not "subsystem."  Is
> this deliberate?  Do we want to prevent the client from setting environment
> variables for subsystem execution?  I'm not disagreeing, necessarily -- I can
> see an argument from the abstraction and security point of view, as well as
> the fact that a subsystem might be implemented as an internal process for
> which setting environment variables does not make sense.  However, if this is
> the intention, I think it should be made explicit.  (Of course, the SSH could
> be running on an OS which does not have anything like environment variables,
> so that it wouldn't make sense for program execution either...)

In at least our implementation you can set environment variables
during subsystem execution. I agree the wording should be implicit,
whatever we decide.

> Also, the use of the phrase "the shell/command to be started later" is
> misleading, as it implies that only one such will be started.  The connection
> protocol may start multiple remote shells and/or programs.  I assume then that
> the use of the "env" channel request builds up an environment-variable state
> on the server, which is used for every program execution?  If that's so, we
> need a way to unset environment variables as well.  It is not sufficient to
> just set an old variable to the null string, since there is a program-visible
> difference between a variable being unset, and being set to the zero-length
> string.

If you look at the spec, the environment variables are channel
specific. And you can only run one command/subsystem/shell per
channel. So I'd say we don't need an "unset" message, as typically you
can't unset environment variables of a running process outside of the

[          --  Sami J. Lehtinen  -- ]
[work:+358 20 5007425][gsm:+358 40 864 3001][]
[SSH Communications Security Corp     ]

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