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Re: SecSH Server functionality on Windows - incomplete

> Have Windows implementors not understood what SecSH
> was intended to support?
> It seems to me that SecSH is good to *N*X Servers, is
> good as a tunnel between a Client program and a Server
> program, e.g. used with VNC
>     but not good to a Shell in Windows
> ---- even if a *N*X Shell is used in Windows instead
> of CMD.EXE, the ablove deficiencies still apply
> Is this of any concern to the IETF?

This is no concern of the IETF.  The Secure Shell working 
group is responsible for defining wire protocols.  It is 
not responsible for platform specific implementation issues.

The things you want done are much more difficult to implement
on Windows than they are on Unix.  However, they have been
done to the limited extent possible for Telnet Servers and 
several of the companies that have sold decent (ok, acceptable)
Telnet Servers are no selling SSH Servers with the same
capabilities.  I suggest you perform a web search.

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